Looking to the Future

Since the beginning of the grant program in 1999 through 2020, over $1,255,864 dollars has been distributed.  Of that, $449,775 supported projects at the Eisenhower National Historic Site.  The Society hopes to expand its grant program by increasing its endowment.

Eisenhower Home (National Park Service)

Eisenhower Home (National Park Service)

As a 501-(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Society celebrated its 55th anniversary year in 2024. It continues to pursue its goal of perpetuating Eisenhower’s legacy through its own educational programming.  We recently sponsored the 80th anniversary of D-Day Symposium.  The Society plans to continue partnering with the National Park Service at Eisenhower National Historic Site, Gettysburg College, the Eisenhower Institute and other Eisenhower legacy organizations by sponsoring programs and granting funds to support Eisenhower-related projects.